Our little man is growing like crazy, but is still not into some of his newborn clothes. But he is growing out of his Premie clothes...sad. Grant is either sick, or just having a fun time keeping us up at night. We thought we had tricked him into thinking that sleeping was a good thing. But alas, he's only 6 weeks old, and we have time to brain wash him! As he is starting to fit into clothes that people have bought for him, I feel like I need to take pictures. So- here is documented proof that your gifts have not been for naught.
This is a cute blanket from Gena (is that spelled right?) and Daniel (again... spelling?)
Sarah bought this cute outfit... it's still a bit big- but we love it! The shoes were from me, and they were too cute to pass up!
I don't know if you can tell, but he has total bed-head in this picture! We laughed!
The awesome snugglie thing is from Todd, and the cute red stripped shirt is from Holly... Yeah!
This romper makes him look like a janitor... as Leanne said, "stop crying and start mopping!"
GRANDPA Mathews came to visit, along with Grandma. They think he's so cute-- and he has them fooled into thinking that he's an angel all the time!
Aw... Grant and Dad
Last but not Least... our cute little son!
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